Speech Pathology Blog for Parents

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Therapy for Language Based Learning Disability

WHAT IS LANGUAGE BASED LEARNING DISABILITY? Language-based learning disability refers to a heterogeneous group of difficulties in the acquisition and use of language as related to listening, speaking, reading, writing, mathematical abilities, and/or social skills.  RISK INDICATORS Difficulty with rhyming, segmenting, blending, and discriminating  Limited variation in vocabulary  Limited development of complex sentence structures  Difficulty […]

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Therapy for Social/Pragmatic Skills

WHAT IS PRAGMATICS? Pragmatics is the use of language in social contexts. The rule system used for social communication allows us to initiate and maintain positive relationships with others; contributes to peer acceptance; and helps us cope effectively and adaptively with our social environment.  RISK INDICATORSFOR POOR PRAGMATIC SKILLS Difficulty using language for different purposes 

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Working with Accents

What is an accent?  The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association defines an accent as “the unique way that speech is pronounced by a group of people speaking the same language” (www.asha.org).  Accents may be considered regional, resulting from a dialect of English (e.g., Southern American English), or foreign (e.g., Spanish-influenced English). An accent is not a speech impairment.

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Working with Acquired Communication Disorders in Adults

WHAT IS A NEUROGENIC COMMUNICATION DISORDER?  Neuropathologies or brain trauma often result in language deficits. Some characteristics you may observe in your loved one may include: improper use of words and their meanings, the inability to express ideas, inappropriate grammatical patterns, reduced vocabulary, and the inability to follow directions. A person’s cognition may also be

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