www.aphasia.org –
The National Aphasia Association, NAA, is a nonprofit organization that promotes public education, research, rehabilitation and support services to assist people with aphasia and their families. The fact sheet is useful as is the page on other resources which provides information on websites, newsletters, books, and more.
www.stroke.org –
This is a nonprofit organization that provides education, services and community-based activities in prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery. The Recovery and Rehabilitation link discusses the importance of speech and language therapy.
Asperger’s Syndrome
The Asperger’s Connection at the Shriver Center at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center is a new, interactive web site intended to facilitate discussion among family members, professionals, and legislators/policy makers interested in and concerned with issues that individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome and High Functioning Autism face on a daily basis. The site also provides an opportunity to ask questions of various experts regarding a number of topics including education, vocational issues, diagnosis, treatment interventions, sensory integration, social issues and others.
O.A.S.I.S. – Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support; this website was designed by parents of children who are diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in order to provide access to information related to current research, therapeutic resources, camps, and more.
Auditory Processing Disorder
http://nidcd.nih.gov/health –
The National Institute of Deafness and other Communication Disorders answers basic questions regarding auditory processing disorder, the causes, diagnosis, treatment, ongoing research, and resources to obtain further information.
http://www.ncapd.org/ –
The mission of the National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders, Inc. is to assist families and individuals affected by auditory processing disorders through education, support, and public awareness as well as promoting auditory access of information for those affected by auditory processing disorders. Click on “APD Links” for links to more resources.
Autism Spectrum Disorders
https://www.autism-society.org/ –
Autism Society of America is a national organization designed with the intent of providing information, education, and advocacy for families and professionals and furthering our knowledge of autism spectrum disorders through research.
http://www.inclusivechildcare.org/ –
The Gray Center For Social Learning and Understanding is a non-profit organization “dedicated to individuals with autism spectrum disorders and those who work alongside them to improve mutual understanding.” Their website provides information related to Carol Gray’s workshops, book reviews, and therapeutic tools and books. The site provides specific examples and guidelines for writing social stories.
http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd –
The National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a useful website for learning more about autism, including answers to the following questions regarding symptoms, prevalence, treatment, informational resources, and current federal grants and research studies.
Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia/ Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Developmental Apraxia of Speech
www.apraxia-kids.org –
A site informing and educating individuals about issues related to Childhood Apraxia of Speech. The site and the related newsletter include information on the following: diagnosis, assessment, frequently asked questions, book reviews, product reviews, support group meeting information, conference schedules, and current research and news pieces.
Early Intervention
http://www.hanen.org/ –
The Hanen Centre is a Canadian based non-profit organization established to support young children in learning how to communicate “to the best of their abilities.” The Hanen program is a leader in the field and has developed user-friendly learning resources for parents, educators, and therapists. Follow the “Parent” Link and proceed to “Understanding Language Delay.”
http://www.firstsigns.org/ –
The First Signs website provides user-friendly information related to the following issues: typical developmental milestones, “red flags” for identifying developmental concerns at a young age, the screening and referral process, current research and guidelines, and a number of useful website links.
http://firstwords.fsu.edu/ –
The FIRST WORDS Project is a model early identification and intervention program based in the Department of Communication Disorders at Florida State University and directed by Amy Wetherby, Ph.D, CCC-SLP.
www.childdevelopmentinfo.com –
The Child Development Institute provides information and education on various aspects of development. On this website, you will find useful information related to the developmental stages of language and play, descriptions of various disorders, and parenting resources.
Fluency / Stuttering
http://www.stutteringhelp.org/ –
The Stuttering Foundation provides free online resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families, as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering.
http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/voice –
The National Institute of Deafness and other Communication Disorders answers basic questions regarding speech production, “causes” of stuttering, diagnosis, treatment, ongoing research, and resources to obtain further information.
Language Learning Disabilities
http://www.ldonline.com –
This website has materials for parents, teachers, and children from the latest news on LD-related issues to posting the writing and art of students with LD. Questions can be posted to experts in the field such as Dr. Larry Silver, psychiatrist, and Rick Lavoie, a consultant on Learning Disabilities. Free on-line activities are also available for children such as word searches and games.
http://www.interdys.org –
The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is the oldest non-profit organization for dyslexia in the United States. It is “…dedicated to the study and treatment of learning disability, dyslexia as well as language-based learning differences.” The website includes information for professionals, parents, and individuals with dyslexia. It includes a web-based forum with discussion threads on various topics for parents, educators, and also for adults with dyslexia. There are also fact sheets about dyslexia and an online bookstore. The IDA has two publications which are available for its members – the Annals of Dyslexia and Perspectives in Language and Literacy. The website also contains information about the IDA’s annual conference.
http://asha.org/public/speech/disorders/LBLD.htm –
This site provides information about language based learning disabilities (LLD) as defined by American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA). It offers explanations on the definition of LLD as well as providing signs/symptoms. Diagnosis and treatment is also discussed. Other agencies and organizations are also provided here for further information regarding LLD.
Parent Support
http://www.spednet.org/ –
SPEDNET Special Education Network of New Canaan, Ltd. and SPEDNET Special Education of Wilton, Ltd. are networks of parents and professionals who are interested in special education and §504 issues. SPED*NET has seminars during the school year, maintains a LISTSERV, has a variety of books and videos to loan to members, and provides handouts and information.
http://stamfordptcouncil.com/ –
SCOPES is a Stamford, CT-based support network for parents and educators that serves as a community resource for information about special education services, provides enrichment opportunities to exceptional students and their teachers, and maintains an active voice in pertinent legislative issues
http://www.cpacinc.org/ –
The CT Parent Advocacy Center, Inc. (CPAC) is a statewide nonprofit organization that offers information and support to families of children with any disability or chronic illness, age birth through 21. To educate parents and help them become effective advocates for their children, the site contains downloadable information on the following: preparing for PPT meetings, developing IEPs, understanding significant legislation, and improving the effectiveness of communication skills to aid advocacy efforts.
http://www.asha.org/public/outreach –
This website is provided by the American Speech and Hearing Association. It provides useful information to assist with advocacy and outreach for those impacted by communication and feeding challenges. You will find links to various associations such as support groups and organizations focused on specific communication, hearing, and swallowing disorders.
Resource Guide from Maryville University
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
www.bianys.org –
The Brain Injury Association of New York State (BIANYS) is a statewide non-profit membership organization that provides education, advocacy, and community support services for individuals with brain injury and their families. BIANYS also offers a toll free Family Help Line, support groups, prevention programs, mentoring programs, speakers bureau, and a video & publications library.
http://www.voicefoundation.org/ –
This web page offers information on voice production, vocal hygiene, and the basics of voice therapy. The site also provides information on research and symposia on voice disorders.
http://www.gbmc.org/voice –
This particular page describes several voice disorders, provides pictures of affected vocal folds, and describes typical treatment components. Discussion includes but is not limited to vocal fold nodules, cysts, polyps, paresis, and spasmodic dysphonia. Other parts of the site describe good vocal hygiene habits, voice warm-up and cool-down exercises, and the effects of laryngeal cancer and reflux.
http://www.voiceproblem.org/ –
Visitors to this site will find information, encouragement and steps on how to deal with voice conditions. This information is broken down into sections including: introduction to voice, anatomy and physiology of voice production, voice disorders, diagnosis, treatment and prevention, and a glossary of terms to understand different conditions related to voice. This website also provides a “symptom tree,” which is an organizational tool for classifying voice symptoms and providing techniques for voice care.
Word Finding/ Retrieval
http://www.wordfinding.com –
This website provides, definitions, characteristics, assessment, and intervention information pertaining to word retrieval difficulties. References and materials are also provided along with the ability to pose questions. Additional internet resources are also posted on the site.